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  • Events | Quatuor Saint Jean

    Musical performances The Ceremony - musical ideas 15 - 20 minutes of music as your guests arrive Entrance of wedding party: Opening Prayer and music First Reading Music - a short extract Second Reading Gospel Sermon Music - a short extract Marriage Vows Giving of the rings Music - a short extract Prayers Offertory Music Lord's Prayer Communion Music Prayer to Sainte Marie: Music: Ave Maria Signatures: Music Final Blessing Recessional: Music ​ Ideas for the ceremony Albinoni Adagio Handel Air (Water Music) Bach Aria Handel Alleluia Chorus (Messiah) Bach Arioso Handel Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Bach Bist of bei mir Handel Hornpipe (Water Music) Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 Handel La Réjouissance Bach Concerto for 2 Violins Handel Lascia ch'io piangia Bach Jesu joy of man's desiring Handel Ombra mai fu (Largo) Bach / Gounod Ave Maria Handel Sheep may safely graze Caccini Ave Maria Handel Where'er You Walk Carpenter Prelude Massenet Meditation (Thais) Clarke Trumpet Voluntary Mendelssohn Wedding March Cohen Hallelujah. Morricone Gabriel's Oboe Debussy Moonlight Fauré Pavane Franck Panis Angelicus. Mouret Rondeau Gluck Che faro senza Eurydice Mozart Allelujah (Exultate Jubilate Mozart Ave Verum Pachelbel Canon Purcell Trumpet Tune Schubert Ave Maria Cantabile tartini Telemann Sonata in A Vangelis Hymn Vivaldi 4 Seasons - Spring Wagner Bridal Chorus (Lohengrin) Entrance Pachelbel: Canon Bach: Aria Bach Arioso Bach: 2nd movement Concerto for 2 Violins Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary Purcell: Trumpet Tune Carpenter: Prelude Mouret: Rondeau Handel: Hornpipe (Water Music) Mendelssohn: Wedding March Wagner: Bridal Chorus Between Readings, after Sermon, during Communion etc. Albinoni: Adagio Bach: Jesu joy of man's desiring Handel: Air (Water Music) Handel: Lascia ch'io piangia Handel: Ombre mai fu (Largo) Handel: The Joy Mozart: Allelujah (Exultate Jubilate) Mozart: Ave Verum Fauré: Pavane Massenet: Meditation (Thais) Cohen: Hallelujah Ave Maria: Schubert, Bach, Caccini During the Signatures Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 Bach: Concerto for 2 Violins Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Vivaldi: Four Seasons: Spring (1st mov't) Recessional Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 Bach: Concerto for 2 Violins (1st mov't) Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Handel: Alleluia Chorus (Messiah) Vivaldi: Four Seasons: Spring (1st mov't) Mendelssohn: Wedding March Wagner: Bridal Chorus

  • À propos | Quatuor Saint Jean

    The Saint Jean quartet, founded by Jenny How in 2000, composed of recognized musicians, offers a large repertoire perfectly developed to accompany your events: Weddings, birthdays, celebrations, conferences, private concerts. Rich in a catalog comprising more than 300 securities, the Saint John quartet offers a musical journey borrowing all styles and musical periods: Baroque: Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, Albinoni, Pachelbel Classical: Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven Romantic: Schubert, Brahms, Puccini 20th century: Fauré, Chostakovitch, Debussy Pop and variety: The Beatles, Sting, Cohen, Perry, Mars. ​ The Saint John Quartet builds on 20 years experience, having accompanied the weddings of a large number of couples from all over the world, animated birthdays and family celebrations and enchanted the public in many concert halls. Story

  • Tarifs | Quatuor Saint Jean

    Nos tarifs 2022-2023: ​ A partir de 850 euros. ​ Nous adaptons nos tarifs en fonction de votre demande. ​ N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d'informations. ​

  • Contact | Quatuor Saint Jean

    Saint John Quartet Want us to play for your wedding, for a private party or for a special event? Do you have questions about our musical repertoire, our prices and our availability? Please do not hesitate to contact me and we will be happy to help you. name E-mail Telephone Leave us a message Send Thank you for what you sent !

  • Événements | Quatuor Saint Jean

    Musical performances We support you in the choice of musical extracts for all your events, wedding ceremonies, aperitifs, birthdays and parties. Check out some of our proposals. The religious ceremony: ​ We invite you to welcome your guests with music for 15 to 20 minutes ​ around a varied repertoire. Entrance of the bride and groom: Music Greetings and welcome Opening prayer First lecture Music - small extract Second Reading Acclamation of the gospel ​ Homily Music - small extract Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage Exchange of Consents Exchange of Alliances Music - small extract ​ Prayer of the Spouses Universal Prayer Offertory (music ) and Eucharistic Prayer Our Father and Bridal Blessing Communion: Music Passage in front of the Virgin Music: Ave Maria Signatures: Music Final Blessing Release: Music With your wishes and wishes, we will choose together the musical samples. You will have access to our entire directory to make your choice. We will then get in touch with your priest or your officiant friends or relatives so that this moment is perfect and memorable. It is together that we will make this moment a magical moment. Ideas for the ceremony ​ ​ Albinoni Adagio Handel Air (Water Music) Bach Aria Handel Alleluia Chorus (Messiah) Bach Arioso Handel Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Bach Bist of bei mir Handel Hornpipe (Water Music) Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 Handel La Réjouissance Bach Concerto for 2 Violins Handel Lascia ch'io piangia Bach Jesu may my joy remain Handel Ombra mai fu (Largo) Bach / Gounod Ave Maria Handel Sheep may safely graze Caccini Ave Maria Handel Where'er You Walk Carpenter Prelude Massenet Meditation (Thais) Clarke Trumpet Voluntary Mendelssohn Bridal March Cohen Hallelujah. Morricone Gabriel's Oboe Debussy Moonlight Fauré Pavane Franck Panis Angelicus. Mouret Rondeau Gluck Che faro senza Eurydice Mozart Allelujah (Exultate Jubilate Mozart Ave Verum Pachelbel Canon Purcell Trumpet Tune Schubert Ave Maria Cantabile tartini Telemann Sonata in A Vangelis Hymn Vivaldi 4 Seasons - Spring Wagner Bridal Chorus (Lohengrin) ​ Entrance Pachelbel: Canon Bach: Aria Bach Arioso Bach: 2nd movement Concerto for 2 Violins Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary Purcell: Melody for Trumpet Carpenter: Prelude Mouret: Rondeau Handel: Hornpipe (Water Music) Mendelssohn: Wedding March Wagner: Bridal Chorus Between readings, after the homily, during communion Albinoni: Adagio Bach: Jesus may my joy remain Handel: Air (Water Music) Handel: Lascia ch'io piangia Handel: Ombre mai fu (Largo) Handel: The Joy Mozart: Allelujah (Exultate Jubilate) Mozart: Ave Verum Fauré: Pavane Massenet: Meditation (Thais) Cohen: Hallelujah Ave Maria: Schubert, Bach, Caccini During signings Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 Bach: Concerto for 2 Violins Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Vivaldi: Four Seasons: Spring (1st mvt) Exit Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 Bach: Concerto for 2 violins (1st mvt) Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Handel: Alleluia Chorus (Messiah) Vivaldi: Four Seasons: Spring (1st mvt) Mendelssohn: Wedding March Wagner: Bridal Chorus Contact

  • Témoignages | Quatuor Saint Jean

    Back to our benefits Testimonials Chris Schinder - Ventabrun Church Remerciements pour votre discrétion à toutes et votre présence tellement musicale qui a su émerveiller les âmes sensibles de nos hôtes et rejoint notre inconscient poétique. Car les notes sont aussi des mots magiques qui font que les esprits se comprennent. Vous avez su colorer la simplicité de nos paroles d’engagement toujours semblables aux amans, on ne recrée pas le rameau qui existe déjà, mais on l’éclaire à une autre heure de la journée. Nous gardons Chris et moi un moment éternel au plus profond de notre être qui ressemble au rêve commun des humains, celui de se retrouver un jour entourés pour une occasion imprécise, mais dont on en serait le centre. Et à propos du centre, j’ai quand même réussi à arracher un instant au temps qui passe, celui où j’étais parmi vous quatre près de la grande roue, vous jouant et m’envoûtant, moi emporté dans votre promenade musicale. A ce répertoire là, les notes se sont rassemblées, superposées les unes sur les autres, laissant les prochaines s’éloigner, comme un wagon qui se serait échappé du convoi, et qui se serait arrêté à la gare du temps. Merci pour ce beau voyage… Véronique and John - Church of Saignon Dear Jenny, We just wanted to thank you for your beautiful performance at our wedding, John and I were completely enthralled by your music. We have also gotten so much positive feedback regarding your music and just wanted to let you all know it was absolutely wonderful and we could not have expected anything better. Thank you again. Sincerely, Veronique and john Claudia and Jim We just wanted to express how thankful we are for the Quartet’s work on the day of our wedding. We had a wonderful time and to have your high quality arrangements of music that will now be even more precious to us part of the day’s proceedings was truly a dream come true. Please extend our thanks to the other members of the quartet. Thanks again! Best regards. Freddie Thanks very much Stéphanie. Everyone said how much they enjoyed the music at the wedding. Umbra Mai fu and where ere you walk (sung most beautifully) were personal favourites of mine. Really appreciated your contribution. Best wishes. Yann et Maï Bonjour Stéphanie, Le temps a filé depuis le mariage et nous n'avons pas eu l'occasion de vous dire à quel point nous avons apprécié votre prestation, les morceaux étaient superbes, du début jusqu'à la fin c'était parfait, nous étions subjugués par le moment et le quatuor a grandement contribué à la magie Donc merci encore, c'était merveilleux! A bientôt, ​ Lara and Dave Thank you so much for Saturday!! We had the most amazing day! The music in the chapel was beautiful and everyone's been saying how fantastic it was. You really helped make the day incredible! Best weekend of our lives!!! Thanks again! Kaye Johnson Wedding in Goult Dearest Stéphanie: Just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful music you played at our wedding in the Chateau! My husband has said many times how it just would not have been complete without the music. Elodie et Romain Bonjour Stéphanie, Romain et moi tenions une fois de plus à vous remercier toutes les quatre pour votre prestation à notre mariage du 12 juillet. Notre photographe nous a fait un diaporama du jour J et en revoyant les images les émotions nous submergent...Ce que vous avez fait à l'église c'était juste parfait et merveilleux. Nous nous rappellerons toute notre vie cette si jolie cérémonie. Amicalement Louise Hi Stéphanie, Many many thanks for your beautiful music you played on our wedding day, I apologise for not getting the chance to speak with you all, I can honestly say that the day went in a hasty blur and I the time just ran away with us. It was truly beautiful and many guests have commented on how lovely the playing was. Thanks again to you all Claire & Gianluca Ragni Bonjour Stéphanie, Nous sommes rentrés de voyage et nous tenions à vous remercier de votre prestation à l'église de Maussane. Moon river était magique ! Merci encore ! Salutations Bernard Eeman Bonjour, Ce mail pour vous remercier ainsi que toute votre équipe pour l'excellente prestation durant le mariage de notre fille Charlotte au "Mas de la Rose" le 4 juillet dernier. Tout était impeccable : timing respecté et une prestation musicale particulièrement appréciée par nos invités. Excellent journée encore, Bien à vous Marlies and Ivan Dear Stephanie and colleagues, With this I would love to thank you for making our wedding ceremony to a dream... even because of the cold and the rain it was so heart-warming to have you with us! The sound had an incredible impact on us. Everybody is still speaking about how emotional the music went true their body. Even the coldest personality cracked by hearing Jeff Buckleys Hallelujah. I can't find enough words to say how beautiful it was. And the unexpected happened. Running away from the rain in Belgium was not bringing us to a sunny provencale wedding... but we all can say we didn't notice. It was wonderful how you could change from location that fast, and everybody enjoyed your company at Miekes house even more. I believe she will contact you for coming again to her house. I think I have said all, and that brings me to say goodbye, Thank you for your very nice cooperation, the understanding for our wishes (Ik hou van U), and the incredible impact you've left with us. Thank you, good luck with everything! ​ Emmanuelle et Jean Francois Chère Stéphanie Un grand merci pour cet accompagnement musical pour la fête de notre mariage qui a enchanté tous nos amis, je te souhaite ,ainsi qu'à ton groupe une belle réussite que vous méritez. Chris Schinder - Ventabrun Church Remerciements pour votre discrétion à toutes et votre présence tellement musicale qui a su émerveiller les âmes sensibles de nos hôtes et rejoint notre inconscient poétique. Car les notes sont aussi des mots magiques qui font que les esprits se comprennent. Vous avez su colorer la simplicité de nos paroles d’engagement toujours semblables aux amans, on ne recrée pas le rameau qui existe déjà, mais on l’éclaire à une autre heure de la journée. Nous gardons Chris et moi un moment éternel au plus profond de notre être qui ressemble au rêve commun des humains, celui de se retrouver un jour entourés pour une occasion imprécise, mais dont on en serait le centre. Et à propos du centre, j’ai quand même réussi à arracher un instant au temps qui passe, celui où j’étais parmi vous quatre près de la grande roue, vous jouant et m’envoûtant, moi emporté dans votre promenade musicale. A ce répertoire là, les notes se sont rassemblées, superposées les unes sur les autres, laissant les prochaines s’éloigner, comme un wagon qui se serait échappé du convoi, et qui se serait arrêté à la gare du temps. Merci pour ce beau voyage… Véronique and John - Church of Saignon Dear Jenny, We just wanted to thank you for your beautiful performance at our wedding, John and I were completely enthralled by your music. We have also gotten so much positive feedback regarding your music and just wanted to let you all know it was absolutely wonderful and we could not have expected anything better. Thank you again. Sincerely, Veronique and john Claudia and Jim We just wanted to express how thankful we are for the Quartet’s work on the day of our wedding. We had a wonderful time and to have your high quality arrangements of music that will now be even more precious to us part of the day’s proceedings was truly a dream come true. Please extend our thanks to the other members of the quartet. Thanks again! Best regards. Freddie Thanks very much Stéphanie. Everyone said how much they enjoyed the music at the wedding. Umbra Mai fu and where ere you walk (sung most beautifully) were personal favourites of mine. Really appreciated your contribution. Best wishes. Yann et Maï Bonjour Stéphanie, Le temps a filé depuis le mariage et nous n'avons pas eu l'occasion de vous dire à quel point nous avons apprécié votre prestation, les morceaux étaient superbes, du début jusqu'à la fin c'était parfait, nous étions subjugués par le moment et le quatuor a grandement contribué à la magie Donc merci encore, c'était merveilleux! A bientôt, ​ Lara and Dave Thank you so much for Saturday!! We had the most amazing day! The music in the chapel was beautiful and everyone's been saying how fantastic it was. You really helped make the day incredible! Best weekend of our lives!!! Thanks again! Kaye Johnson Wedding in Goult Dearest Stéphanie: Just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful music you played at our wedding in the Chateau! My husband has said many times how it just would not have been complete without the music. Elodie et Romain Bonjour Stéphanie, Romain et moi tenions une fois de plus à vous remercier toutes les quatre pour votre prestation à notre mariage du 12 juillet. Notre photographe nous a fait un diaporama du jour J et en revoyant les images les émotions nous submergent...Ce que vous avez fait à l'église c'était juste parfait et merveilleux. Nous nous rappellerons toute notre vie cette si jolie cérémonie. Amicalement Louise Hi Stéphanie, Many many thanks for your beautiful music you played on our wedding day, I apologise for not getting the chance to speak with you all, I can honestly say that the day went in a hasty blur and I the time just ran away with us. It was truly beautiful and many guests have commented on how lovely the playing was. Thanks again to you all Claire & Gianluca Ragni Bonjour Stéphanie, Nous sommes rentrés de voyage et nous tenions à vous remercier de votre prestation à l'église de Maussane. Moon river était magique ! Merci encore ! Salutations Bernard Eeman Bonjour, Ce mail pour vous remercier ainsi que toute votre équipe pour l'excellente prestation durant le mariage de notre fille Charlotte au "Mas de la Rose" le 4 juillet dernier. Tout était impeccable : timing respecté et une prestation musicale particulièrement appréciée par nos invités. Excellent journée encore, Bien à vous Marlies and Ivan Dear Stephanie and colleagues, With this I would love to thank you for making our wedding ceremony to a dream... even because of the cold and the rain it was so heart-warming to have you with us! The sound had an incredible impact on us. Everybody is still speaking about how emotional the music went true their body. Even the coldest personality cracked by hearing Jeff Buckleys Hallelujah. I can't find enough words to say how beautiful it was. And the unexpected happened. Running away from the rain in Belgium was not bringing us to a sunny provencale wedding... but we all can say we didn't notice. It was wonderful how you could change from location that fast, and everybody enjoyed your company at Miekes house even more. I believe she will contact you for coming again to her house. I think I have said all, and that brings me to say goodbye, Thank you for your very nice cooperation, the understanding for our wishes (Ik hou van U), and the incredible impact you've left with us. Thank you, good luck with everything! ​ Emmanuelle et Jean Francois Jeanette and Phil Chère Stéphanie Un grand merci pour cet accompagnement musical pour la fête de notre mariage qui a enchanté tous nos amis, je te souhaite ,ainsi qu'à ton groupe une belle réussite que vous méritez. ​ ​ Hi Stéphanie Thank you so much for playing the music for our special day.It was absoluty wonderful.You made all the special requests perfect and set the mood for each part of the day. I was for delightfully surprised how easy it was for youth meet our song requests. Collaborating with you prior to the day was very easy and timely.With Phil not knowing the song choices I made, along whit the special requests you accommodated, it brought a smile to our faces with each song you played. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

  • Quatuor Saint Jean | musique mariage

    Quatuor Saint Jean Marie-Laurence Rocca Violinist Régine De Gaudemar Violinist Stephanie Bayle Violist Frédéric Lagarde Cellist Quatuor Saint Jean name E-mail Object Message Send Thank you for what you sent ! Marie-Laurence Rocca started playing the violin at the Aix en Provence Conservatory in Sophie Baduel's class. She obtains a First Prize for violin and chamber music. Subsequently, she perfected in Paris with Catherine Courtois winning the 1st Prize of the competition of Lutèce, then becomes winner in sonata of the international competition of chamber music " Pierre Barbizet -Christian Ferras ". Driven by a musical family atmosphere rich in pedagogy, Marie Laurence Rocca quickly developed a passion for teaching. She obtained the State Diploma of Violin Teacher then became the holder of the Teaching Aptitude Certificate at the age of 24 and has since participated in numerous juries (CNSM de Paris, CRR ..) Marie Laurence Rocca is appointed professor at the CRR de Montpellier and teaches at this establishment for 6 years. At the same time, she performs regularly in chamber music groups as well as as a soloist. She was chosen by the composer Christophe de Coudenhove to perform his Concerto for violin and orchestra in world premiere at the National Theater of Montpellier in June 2002. The same year, her appointment to the Aix en Provence CRD was a return to her roots as she took over from her mother Aurélia Spadaro's class. Marie Laurence Rocca also performs in many festivals (Nuits du Rocher, Music in Corsica, Callian, Piano nights) Marie Laurence Rocca plays a violin from 1913 by Stefano Scarampella. Marie-Laurence Rocca - 1st violin Regine De Gaudemar began the violin at the Marseille Conservatory in the class of Aurelia Spadaro. She continues her studies in the course of improvement, alongside Mr Devy Erlih until obtaining the prize of the city of Marseille and chamber music. Then, she prepares the Certificate of Aptitude in Paris with Pierre Doukan. She carries out numerous internships and master classes, notably with Jean-Pierre Wallez and Patrice Fontanarosa while playing in the instrumental ensemble of Provence. Holder of the Certificate of Aptitude, she was appointed professor of violin at the conservatory of Marseille and then of La Ciotat. Regine De Gaudemar is regularly invited as a jury (Scola de Paris, CRR…). Finally, she performs today in the region under various formations such as the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Pays d'Aix, the Toulon Opera and the Saint Jean Quartet. Régine De Gaudemar - 2nd violin Stéphanie Bayle-Perin, violinist and violist, studied the violin at the Aix-en-Provence Conservatory in the class of Aurélia Spadaro, disciple of Zino Francescatti. She unanimously obtains the Violin and Chamber Music Prizes. She then perfected in Paris with Catherine Courtois, student of Isaac Stern. It was only a few years later that she discovered the viola alongside Tasso Adamopoulos. Passionate about teaching, she obtained the State Diploma then the Certificate of Aptitude and now teaches the violin at the Aubagne Conservatory. She continues through her two instruments to evolve in various formations: the Orchester de Chambre d'Aix-en-Provence where she was attack conductor of the second violins, the Nymphea's trio, the Philharmonic orchestra of the Pays d ' Aix, the Provence Verdon ensemble and the Saint Jean Quartet. She has performed with musicians such as Anne Queffelec, Régis Pasquier, Olivier Charlier, Patrice Fontanarosa and has worked under the direction of Sir Yehudi Menuhin. Stéphanie Bayle - Viola player​ Born in 1970 in Cannes, into a family of musicians, he started playing the cello at the age of 5 and very quickly became the winner of several national competitions. He pursued brilliant studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris where he obtained a 1st prize for cello, chamber music and a prize of excellence in the class of Roland Pidoux. ​ He perfected himself with the great masters Gary Hoffman and Janos Strarker. At the age of 25, sensitive to opera, he joined the oldest French artistic institution, the orchestra of the Opéra National de Paris, where he held the position of Solo Cello until 2011. he performs regularly as a soloist and in chamber music in France and abroad. Frédéric Lagarde is a founding member of the Aperto string quartet, of the Cellofan cello quartet and performs in major international festivals. ​ With this orchestral and chamber music experience, he now devotes himself to teaching the cello at the Aix en Provence Regional Conservatory in order to pass on the passion for music to the younger generation. Frédéric Lagarde - cellist

  • Extraits | Quatuor Saint Jean

    Clarke_Trumpet Pachelbel_Canon 3 eme concerto Brandbourgeois bach Bizet_Habanera Bach_Jesus_joie brahms Schubert Shosta making woopee lets do it Porter _ Anything goes Lennon_WhenIm64 Joplin_paragon Gershwin_Summertime Handel_ArriveeSaba FaurePavane Elgar_SalutAmour Pachelbel_Canon oblivion

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