Musical performances
We support you in the choice of musical extracts for all your events, wedding ceremonies, aperitifs, birthdays and parties. Check out some of our proposals.
The religious ceremony:
We invite you to welcome your guests with music for 15 to 20 minutes around a varied repertoire.
Entrance of the bride and groom: Music
Greetings and welcome
Opening prayer
First lecture
Music - small extract
Second Reading
Acclamation of the gospel
Music - small extract
Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage Exchange of Consents
Exchange of Alliances
Music - small extract
Prayer of the Spouses
Universal Prayer
Offertory (music ) and Eucharistic Prayer
Our Father and Bridal Blessing
Communion: Music
Passage in front of the Virgin
Music: Ave Maria
Signatures: Music
Final Blessing
Release: Music
With your wishes and wishes, we will choose together the musical samples. You will have access to our entire directory to make your choice.
We will then get in touch with your priest or your officiant friends or relatives so that this moment is perfect and memorable.
It is together that we will make this moment a magical moment.

Ideas for the ceremony
Albinoni Adagio Handel Air (Water Music)
Bach Aria Handel Alleluia Chorus (Messiah)
Bach Arioso Handel Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
Bach Bist of bei mir Handel Hornpipe (Water Music)
Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 Handel La Réjouissance
Bach Concerto for 2 Violins Handel Lascia ch'io piangia
Bach Jesu may my joy remain Handel Ombra mai fu (Largo)
Bach / Gounod Ave Maria Handel Sheep may safely graze
Caccini Ave Maria Handel Where'er You Walk
Carpenter Prelude Massenet Meditation (Thais)
Clarke Trumpet Voluntary Mendelssohn Bridal March
Cohen Hallelujah. Morricone Gabriel's Oboe
Debussy Moonlight Fauré Pavane
Franck Panis Angelicus. Mouret Rondeau
Gluck Che faro senza Eurydice Mozart Allelujah (Exultate Jubilate
Mozart Ave Verum Pachelbel Canon Purcell Trumpet Tune Schubert Ave Maria
Cantabile tartini Telemann Sonata in A
Vangelis Hymn Vivaldi 4 Seasons - Spring
Wagner Bridal Chorus (Lohengrin)

Pachelbel: Canon
Bach: Aria
Bach Arioso
Bach: 2nd movement Concerto for 2 Violins
Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary
Purcell: Melody for Trumpet
Carpenter: Prelude
Mouret: Rondeau
Handel: Hornpipe (Water Music)
Mendelssohn: Wedding March
Wagner: Bridal Chorus

Between readings, after the homily, during communion
Albinoni: Adagio
Bach: Jesus may my joy remain
Handel: Air (Water Music)
Handel: Lascia ch'io piangia
Handel: Ombre mai fu (Largo)
Handel: The Joy
Mozart: Allelujah (Exultate Jubilate)
Mozart: Ave Verum
Fauré: Pavane
Massenet: Meditation (Thais)
Cohen: Hallelujah
Ave Maria: Schubert, Bach, Caccini

During signings
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3
Bach: Concerto for 2 Violins
Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
Vivaldi: Four Seasons: Spring (1st mvt)

Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3
Bach: Concerto for 2 violins (1st mvt)
Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
Handel: Alleluia Chorus (Messiah)
Vivaldi: Four Seasons: Spring (1st mvt)
Mendelssohn: Wedding March
Wagner: Bridal Chorus